GrowHub is the first Israeli innovation hub in the world of early childhood!

Our Goals:

All grown-ups were once children… but only few of them remember it.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Why GrowHub?

The hub for innovation in early childhood is the product of years of experience in the fields of both early childhood and innovation.

Studies show that a child’s early years are critical for their physical, social-emotional and cognitive development, and they lay the foundation for the rest of their life. Nevertheless ,  we are (a ) witnessing (concerning )disparity in the fields of child development and the treatment of at-risk children. This situation may lead to a precarious state of early childhood education and a steady decline in childrens’ achievements.


GrowHub strives to bring together various stakeholders working in the world of early childhood such as:

– government offices & local authorities – early childhood organizations – professionals -entrepreneurs – leading companies – investors –  parents 

We believe that connecting the various fields of early childhood  (education, health, care, development, safety, games, welfare and etc) , to the worlds of innovation and entrepreneurship can have a major role in creating a change in these fields!

If you are a born entrepreneur, if early childhood flows in your veins and if you believe that everything starts in the beginning, GrowHub is the place for you.

Who We Are:

Hapaot Center in Tirat Carmel has been operating for more than three decades as an educational-developmental center as well as a hub of knowledge and innovation in the field of early childhood; developing and operating cutting edge of intervention programs and training professionals from all over the country.

What do we offer?


A wide, diverse and vibrant community of early childhood innovation


Meeting sessions, trainings and workshops that provide quality and up-to-date knowledge and tools in early childhood and innovation.


Professional help by accredited experts from various fields: therapy, education, health, academia, law, marketing, finance, research and more.


Opportunities for exposure, networking and collaboration. Introductions to stakeholders and investors who will help leverage your project and develop a sustainable product.

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